Mint Investments Limited

The Company is a Public Limited Company incorporated as Mint Investments Limited in Kolkata on 11th January,1974. under the Companies Act, 1956. The Company is registered as a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) with Reserve Bank of India. The equity shares of the company are listed on Calcutta Stock Exchange.

Registrars' & Transfer Agents

Maheshwari Datamatics Private Ltd.
6, Mangoe Lane, 2nd Floor,
Kolkata – 700 001,
Phone No: (033) 2243-5809/5029,
Fax: (033) 2248-4787,

The present Management of the Company comprises of the following Directors:

Name Designation
Mr. Chandra Kumar Dhanuka Chairman of the Board
Mrs. Aruna Dhanuka Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
Mrs. Bharati Dhanuka Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
Mr. Aniket Agarwal Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr. Amit Gupta Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr. Rajeev Rungta Non-Executive Independent Director
Mrs. Aditi Kanodia Non-Executive Independent Director

Investment Division

Mrs. Bharati Dhanuka,  Director is overall incharge of all investment matters of the Company.

Other Management Personnel

Mrs. Amrita Maloo Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Piyush Kumar Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Gajal Garodia Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

The contact details of persons authorized for determining materiality of an event or information as required by Regulation 30(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation ,2015 are as under:-

Name Designation Phone No. e-mailId
Mr. Chandra Kumar Dhanuka Chairman & Director 033-22801950-54
Mr. Piyush Kumar CFO 033-22801950-54
Ms. Gajal Garodia Company Secretary 033-22801950-54